Tuesday, September 18, 2018

55 Pounds Gone!

I've lost 55 pounds since April! I've been walking at least 5 - 6 days a week. I've cut out sugar, sodas, sweet tea, candy, chocolate, milk, eggs, cheese (mostly), and a lot of meats. I've been doing smoothies and oatmeal.  I've went down from a 42 waist  to a 36. I am off of my blood pressure medicine, too! I started drinking green smoothies last week after listening to Dr. Brooke Goldner on the Plant Fit Summit.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Round Two!

I’m back! I got off the program after wrecking our van and our trailer catching on fire afterwards. It threw me for a loop and got me off tract. This week, through motivation from a friend, I decided to make some changes again! I walked two miles today - before work and at lunch. I’ll post more later about the change in my diet.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

July 30, 2016

The scale may be off! I've been bad this week! I didn't walk any and I've ate a little fast food. I'm getting back on track Monday! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Workout and Walk - July 20, 2016

I worked out at our local recreation center with my son and his friend tonight. We try to do a full body workout out at least 3 days a week, but get  2 days in some weeks. After the workout, I went for a walk outside.